SECURITRADE represents a wide cross section of companies worldwide. These companies are sole distributors or direct manufacturers that produce a variety of products for the industries we are involved with.

Our established track record of providing comprehensive quality services allow us to assist you in the following:

Locating and supplying Products:  Our representations, good relations with manufacturers, quality control, and ability to quickly source from alternate suppliers, ensure the reliability you need to meet your business needs.  We have secured representations with established suppliers  worldwide. We are constantly expanding our relationships to include new companies and products. SECURITRADE is the ideal one-stop center for any importer.  If you need a product, we will find it at the best price. 

Price/Terms:  SECURITRADE negotiates the most competitive prices and terms on the products you need.

Shipping:  We provide shipping services worldwide through our freight forwarding partners.  We can consolidate shipments from multiple suppliers, making the importing process simpler, effective, and more efficient.

Note:  If you prefer, you can use the services of your own freight forwarding company.  We are here to help you create a seamless purchase process.

Documentation, packing and warehousing:  Our extensive experience exporting and importing guarantees that your products navigate through each countries' own shipping policies and regulations in the quickest time possible.   

                                                                         United States